This is a perfect appetizer for summer entertaining. I usually try to cook with skim or low fat milk, but in this preparation, you’ll want to use whole milk and cream. The lower fat content of skim milk doesn’t allow the curds to form well and you’ll miss the richness in the taste. The ricotta can be made earlier in the day and the bread grilled right before service. The tomato basil relish (recipe on my website) comes together in a snap. It’s unlikely that you’ll have leftovers, but the ricotta and the tomato relish can be tossed with pasta for a great summer salad.
3 C whole milk***not UHT (Ultra High Temperature) pasteurized milk. The high temp changes the protein structure of the milk and inhibits whey formation
¾ C heavy cream
1 T distilled white vinegar
Juice of 1 lemon
½ t salt
1 ea loaf rustic, hearty whole wheat loaf
2 C tomato basil relish (recipe below)
In a medium saucepan, combine whole milk and cream. Heat mixture over medium high heat until temperature reaches 180 degrees. Remove from heat and add vinegar, lemon juice and salt. Stir gently. Let milk sit for 10-15 minutes or until milk has separated into creamy white curds and yellow-colored whey. If curds are not forming, add 2T lemon juice and wait a few more minutes.
Meanwhile set a strainer over a large bowl and line with cheese cloth or a triple thickness of paper toweling. Carefully scoop out large curd and place in strainer. Very carefully pour remaining liquid into strainer.
Let rest for 15-20 minutes until ricotta is slightly dry but still creamy.
Transfer to a serving dish and drizzle with olive oil.
Serve with grilled bread and tomato basil relish
Serves 6-8
This is a super easy and quick relish that is delicious on grilled fish, chicken or even beef. I use grape tomatoes for a hassle free preparation. It’s great to have on hand for adding to pasta salads, topping crostini or adding to a salad vinaigrette for a zingy tomato taste.
1 basket grape tomatoes
¼ C basil, roughly chopped
1 T parsley, minced
1 T garlic, minced
1 T high quality white wine vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Place tomatoes in the work bowl of a food processor. Quickly PULSE to rough chop tomatoes. Place tomatoes in a stainer to remove as much liquid as possible. Let rest for 5 minutes. Combine drained tomatoes, basil, garlic, parsley and vinegar together in a medium bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let flavors develop for 15 minutes before using if possible.